Heather and Ryan's Engagement Photos!
Today I had a wonderful engagement shoot with Heather and Ryan! Their wedding is coming up at the end of August at the Renaissance Place, one of my favorite venues.
We made the decision to shoot at the Art Museum on the Lake Front today. Little did we know, the Milwaukee Air and Water show was going on today! After fighting with the traffic and finding parking, it ended up being perfect timing. The sun went behind the clouds, the sky was amazing, and the crowds dispersed. What a wonderful day!
These guys are hilarious, and you can tell they have a really fun relationship. They were goofy and it was a blast to shoot with them!

Ryan felt like the sunlight was making his eyes water. It was so funny, we all just kept laughing because it looked as though he was crying because he loves Heather SOOOOOOOO much!

More crying. Ha-ha! :)

Right as I was taking this photo, Heather whispered to Ryan, "I love you so much."
These guys are beyond cute together.

I'm not sure what this joke was, but the only thing I can think of is "You're a lemming! You're a lemming!" (From Austin Powers.) Heh!

I told them to "skooooch their butts closer together" and this is what they did. I can't wait for their wedding, they were so much fun!

I love this boat in the background. And what a sky we had!

Birch trees are my FAVORITES!

It was a miracle to get a shot of them in front of the Art Museum. There were so many people all over the place. We were definitely in the right place at the right time.

SO goofy. LOVE it!

This was such a romantic moment. I was changing lenses and I looked up to see this. /Sigh.

Wow! Every time I see the different photographs that you've done, I just can not find a single one that I dislike! You really have a talent for photography! Thanks for sharing these, they're great!
Love these pictures!
This couple seems like an awesome pair but my fav is the "scooch your butts together" pic... HILARIOUSLY CUTE! :)
Yes, "scoooch your butts together" is my favortie pic, too.
Jenny, each time you take a picture, you make the world dance!
I love you,
Great photos!!! And a super adorable couple!!!
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