Meet Annette!
JBe Photography is proud to introduce Annette, the new intern!
We played around with some lights today - the shot on the left was done with a simple shoot-through umbrella outside in the parking lot at my studio. The one on the right was done with a ring flash in a hallway in my building. :)

Here's a little bit about Annette. I'm sure after reading this, you'll see why I'm so stoked to bring her on as part of the team, (aside from her amazing outlook, positive attitude and wicked fashion sense). She's going to be a great addition for the next three months.
1. Biggest passion: Storytelling through art, design...and storytelling.
2. Fav Food: Mac N' Cheese Pizza
3. Vice: Wine and/or Diet Coke (gotta have my daily aspartame).
4. Phrase: "Those who mind, don't matter; and those who matter, don't mind"...I think it's Dr. Suess
5. Something interesting: I won a national loon calling contest when I was 10... needless to say, not my idea to enter it.
6. A couple of my favorite bands at the moment: Dr. Dog, The Walkmen, Yeasayer, and an all time fav: Iggy & the Stooges.
I'm so excited! Welcome aboard the JBe team, Annette!
oh, and be warned. . . Jenn is nuts and likes to randomly burst into song and dance.
Jenn - just with the few details she seems to be completely on board with the random daily "jennisms".
Really though, all the best!!!
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