Mary and Kevin's Wedding! {Country Springs Hotel Wedding}
Mary and Kevin were married today at the Country Springs Hotel! You might remember Mary and Kevin from their fun engagement session at the Lakefront Brewery. Since then, I've been really excited for their big day. They're just like me: Goofy, emotional, nerdy and laid back. It was like photographing a friend's wedding, and there's truly nothing better than that. Here are a bunch of my favorites!

Mary and Kevin had a Wine Box ritual during their ceremony. They nailed it shut, containing two glasses, a bottle of wine and letters they wrote to each other. If they ever encounter a very hard time in their relationship, they are supposed to open it, have the wine and then go into separate rooms and read the letters they wrote to each other. If not, they will open it on their 10 year anniversary!

Right before this huge smile, Mary said to Kevin, "We're married!" /sigh. I want to cry just remembering it.

It was just a little warm in the waiting room...

3rd to the last is so gorgeous! Looks like a cinderella moment! :)
Wine box...brilliant idea!!!
Absolutely gorgeous kissing photo from the reception!
The wine box is such a neat idea--had never heard of that before!
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